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Essay Writing Using Sources as Evidence


Instructions for correct use of sources in a body paragraph:

  1. Do not start the first sentence with a quote, the writer must have a topic sentence first.  The topic sentence should guide the reader to the TOPIC OF THE BODY PARAGRAPH.

  2. Always cite the text or document number at the end of your quote by stating (as seen in text # ___)

  3. Includes a bridge sentence, which is a sentence that explains how the evidence relates to the HISTORICAL CONTEXT, or the main ideas and key terms.

  4. Each quote is approximately one sentence long, if paraphrased it uses … and is still should be about one sentence in length.

  5. When citing a source do not go from source to source, or from example to example.  Each time the writer cites a source by using a quote the writer MUST have a bridge sentence that follows. 

  6. Your argument must also be based on textual evidence, it can be based on evidence in the sources provided  OR  outside information that we went over in another lesson. 


Source texts 1-3


BUDDHISM TEXT 1:  Excerpts from The Dhamma-pada:  The practice of being mindful is most important to understanding Buddhism.  When we are mindful, the Buddha teaches, we awaken from our incorrect understanding...This constant state of wanting creates pain in our lives, because we are never satisfied.  To contemplate awareness of our surroundings, it requires that we are physically, mentally, and spiritually present….






BUDDHISM TEXT 2:  Introduction of the source:  Yamaga Soko was a writer from Japan in the year 1650 C.E., 2,000 years after Buddha.  In his books he wrote advice for Samurai and he used the ideas of Confucius and Buddhism. 

                “Meditation about death cannot be avoided and should be performed daily.  Every day when one’s body and mind are at peace, one should meditate about being ripped apart by arrows, rifles, spears, and swords, being shaken to death by a great earthquake, or dying for your superior warlord.”






BUDDHISM TEXT 3:    “A review study last year showed the relationship between mindfulness meditation and its ability to reduce symptoms of stress, anxiety, and pain…  Some schools have started implementing meditation into their daily schedules, and with good effect:  some schools saw suspensions decrease, and student’s grades improve.”


Source:  7 Ways Meditation Can Actually Change the Brain; Forbes magazine February 9th 2015




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