HW SHEET 9th grade global
CLASS WEBSITE: www.ermurrow.wix.com/global
At the top of your H.W. answer page you must have your Full Name, Band, and H.W. #
Makeup homework is accepted more than one week late will receive a maximum of 5/10 points. Homework from the previous marking period will not be accepted.
H.W #1 A brief look at Culture:
Definitions: a. culture, b. cultural diffusion, c. ethnic, d. ethnocentric
1. What are some of the traditions, foods, holidays, language (s) that are part of your culture? 4 sentence minimum
2. How have you been influenced by your culture? you must give an answer, think of things you do on a daily basis, or even weekly basis, or objects that are important to you.
H.W. #2 Descriptive writing prompt (you will receive a worksheet in class for this homework, or visit pupil path to do the HW directly online.) For this homework you need to focus on describing what you see in the image, write in a clear and organized manner.
H.W. #3 Human Origin and The Neolithic Revolution: Read pp 4-14
1. Use the reading to describe 5 pieces of evidence used by scientists regarding the origin of human life? (4 sentences minimum)
2. Describe the story that anthropologists think the bones and tools they have discovered reveal about prehistory. Explain (4 sentences minimum)
3. Write a conversation between a Neolithic human and a Paleolithic Human. The dialogue must show 3 main differences between the two time periods. Each character must speak 4 times.
H.W. #4 Writing Transitions prompt (you will receive a worksheet in class for this homework, or visit pupil path to do the HW directly online.) For this homework you need to focus on the transitions that you. Your grade will be based on how well your paragraph is organized, along with the flow of information from one sentence to the next. You will also receive a separate grade for the topic sentence.
H.W. #5 Confucius and Taoism: Read pp 96-98, &108
1. Explain the basic beliefs of Taoism. ( 4 sentences min.)
2. Explain the basic beliefs of Confucianism (4 sentences min.)
3. Choose one of the beliefs and describe how this belief could be used to influence students at Murrow. How will they behave? Will more or less be expected of them? And, If Murrow uses this belief will the school be successful? (6 sentences)
H.W. # 6 HINDUISM no reading
1. Identify/Define: a. dharma b. Karma c. reincarnation d. caste system e. moksha
1. Draw a picture about any three of the Identifications/Definitions and write one sentence that explains each picture. (This must be handed in on paper or as an attachment on pupil path)
H.W. # 7 Writing Survey/Feedback (you will receive a worksheet in class for this homework, or visit pupil path to do the HW directly online.) For this homework you need to focus on answering the survey questions honestly. Be sure to follow all guidelines carefully, this will help us prepare for our first essay.
H.W. # 8 Claim Development (you will receive a worksheet in class for this homework, or visit pupil path to do the HW directly online.) For this homework you need to focus on what a claim is. Your grade will be based on how you are able to use your knowledge of Global History, and essay writing to choose your responses.
H.W. # 9 BUDDHISM pg 79-83
1. Identify/ Define: a) Nirvana (or Enlightentment) b) Eightfold Path
2. Create a brief speech 7-8 sentences long about the teachings of Buddhism. Write the story as though you are Buddha explaining your ideas. Use facts, details, and a quote.
H.W. #10 MAURYA EMPIRE pg 84-85, &91
1. When you finish the reading for this H.W. write a song, poem, or rap in memory of one of the leaders of the Maurya Empire, Chandragupta or Asoka. P.S. (Maurya is pronounced More Yuh)
2. Do you think Ashoka’s edicts may have contributed to the peace and prosperity of the Maurya Empire? Explain 4 sentences min.
H.W. #11 ISLAM 304-309
1. Identify/Define a) Quran (also spelt Koran) b. Hajj
2. Write an interview with the prophet Muhammad. Your interview needs to have 4 questions and answers based on the main beliefs and ideas of Islam. The answers must be 2-3 sentences each, and you will not receive credit for a simple yes or no answer!!!
Review your notes, handouts, and hw’s from lesson on Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam.
1. Create a T-chart that lists similarities and differences between two of these three religions. Your chart must list at least 6 similarities and 6 differences.
2. In your opinion do you think these three religions are more similar or different?
H.W. #13 Athens and Sparta: Read pp 120-128
Contributions of Rome: Read pp 149-156
Define a through d for Ancient Greece and f through h for Ancient Rome:
Greek City-state b. direct democracy c. representative democracy
d. acropolis f. Roman Republic g. patricians (of Rome) h. Plebeians (of Rome)
H.W. # 14 Essay Outline sheet (you will receive a worksheet in class for this homework, or visit pupil path to do the HW directly online.)
H.W. #15 Han Dynasty and Confucianism: Read pp 103-107
How long did the Han Dynasty last? the Roman Empire?
How were Han China and the Roman Empire similar? Different? (chart pg. 206)
How important were Confucian teachings in the lives of people of the Han Empire?
H.W. # 16 Essay feedback and review (you will receive a worksheet in class for this homework, or visit pupil path to do the HW directly online.) For this homework you will get to reflect on the essay that we wrote, as well as give me feedback in order to continue to build and develop our essay writing. Remember to answer honestly and ask questions when necessary.
H.W. #17 TANG AND SONG DYNASTY pp 368-374
1. Identify/Define a) movable type printing
2. Describe the social structure of China during the Song and Tang dynasties.
3. What was the significance of the Grand Canal to the Song Dynasty?